Internet Legal Policy

SPRING 2011 SEMESTER-- Internet Legal Policy - Emerging Law and Policy Changes - 2 cr.

Description: This course will examine the claim that the Internet is different from matter addressed by traditional law and the statutory policy implications of this claim. Focusing on Internet communication, entertainment, and commerce the class will address the following legal questions: Is Internet something so substantially new that is requires changing traditional laws or legal procedures? Can existing telecommunications laws, publishing laws, and broadcasting laws properly govern Internet transactions? What legal policy and procedures should be alternated to facilitate the governance Internet transactions and yield acceptable results when Internet difficulties arise? Which special Internet legal difficulties might be best addressed through reforms in statutes?

This course will cover novel legal and legislative policy issues associated with the news media and entertainment businesses, wrought by the Internet. Key doctrinal areas of inquiry include intellectual property, the First Amendment, defamation, and privacy.

Internet Legal Policy Course Outline and Schedule - Thursday 3:55 pm to 5:50 pm

January 13                       Class I

Introduction: Is the Internet law different from matter addressed by traditional law? If so, what are the statutory policy implications of this claim?

January 20                         Class II

Background: Review elements of Internet communication, entertainment, and commerce. Review element of statute drafting and associated policies

January 27                         Class III

International economic and social policy issues associated with emerging Internet related case law and statues

February 3                            Class IV

Application of existing telecommunications laws, publishing laws, and broadcasting laws properly govern Internet transactions.

February 10                          Class V

What legal policy and procedures should be adopted to facilitate the governance Internet transactions and yield acceptable results when Internet difficulties arise?

February 17                          Class VI

Novel litigation and legislation specifically designed to address Internet legal difficulties associated with the news media and entertainment businesses.

February 24                          Class VII

Unique Internet characteristics warrant special treatment for intellectual property.

March 3                                 Class VIII

Unique Internet characteristics warrant special treatment the First Amendment, defamation, and privacy.

March 10                              Class IX

Special Internet legal difficulties best addressed through statutory reform.

March 24                              Class X

Special Internet legal difficulties best addressed via treaties.

March 31                              Class XI

Internet legal difficulties best addressed through new statutes and novel private agreements.

April 7                                    Class XII

Civil and criminal procedural changes required for Internet litigation.

April 14                                  Class XIII

Group and Individual Class presentations and Special Topics

April 21                                  Class XIV

Group and Individual Class presentations and Special Topics - FINAL WORK PRODUCT DUE